315,000 MT Deadweight Tanker Jetty Mooring Analysis
A Singapore shipyard is currently engaged in efforts to convert two 315,000 MT deadweight sister vessels to fpso's at various berths. To support these efforts, GB Marine is currently performing Jetty Mooring Analyses calculations for each vessel at three different berths, so as to determine the optimum arrangement of the mooring lines for each berth for the shipyard.
The aim of the project is to model the entire system (vessel, mooring lines and jetty), simulate the local environmental conditions (i.e. wind and current) at the shipyard to determine the mooring line tensions for each line, and the cumulative loads acting upon each bollard on the jetty. Results for the maximum tensions in intact condition and one line damage condition are obtained for different mooring line arrangements in an effort to determine the worst case scenario and to find the optimum arrangement. All this effort is part of an effort to reduce the mooring line tensions, reduce vessel excursion, to obtain the best possible mooring line arrangement.